Tiered Pricing Model

Overview | Examples
The Tiered Based Pricing Model is a tiered subscription model with different tiers that are solely differentiated based on features. Users buy a plan based on features that they want to access in the product.
  • Simple to understand for users
  • Customer knows exactly how much they pay
  • Consistent revenue stream
  • Quick to develop and easy to maintain for SaaS
  • Limits options for customer segmentation (essentially, each customer falls into one of the plan buckets)
  • All upsells rely on customer discovering and seeing value in features in higher tiers
  • Top tier customers have no growth/expansion path
Overall Ranking
Overall ranking is based on data from 339 SaaS companies. Last updated on: Thu May 11 2023
Tiered Pricing Model appears approx 10% in 339 SaaS companies analyzed by PricingSaaS.
Category Ranking
Category ranking measures the prevalence of pricing model within the given category as a % of all pricing models within that category.
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